
Frequently Asked Questions for PageSpinner 1.2.2


1.1 About this FAQ

1.2 Navigating the FAQ


2.1 Additional documentation

2.2 How do I open the PageSpinner Guide?


3.1 How do I change background colors or add a background image?

3.2 Creating Multiple Pages

3.3 Creating clickable Image Maps

3.4 Getting into a frame

3.5 Getting out of a frame

3.6 How can I go to a specific line in the editor?

3.7 How can I use PageSpinner to View Source from Netscape?


4.1 Nothing happens when I select "Beginner's Guide to HTML" or "JavaScript Authoring Guide"

4.2 I don't have Internet Config, so I can't access some Help menu items

4.3 Where is the Notebook stored?

4.4 Is there a Windows version available?

4.5 Is there some "Spun with Page Spinner" graphics I could have on my page


1.1 About this FAQ

What is this FAQ about?

This FAQ, short for Frequently Asked Questions, is a compilation of the most common questions asked about PageSpinner. You are recommended to read this FAQ before sending in a question, the answer could be found in this document. I'm trying to answer as many questions as possible, but regrettable I don't have resources to answer all mail.

PageSpinner is an HTML for MacOS, that supports both HTML 2.0 and many parts of HTML 3.2 plus additional Netscape Navigator extensions and plug-ins. It is useful for both the beginner and the more advanced web author with quick access to often used formatting tools and support for AppleGuide and an HTML Assistant that helps you compose your HTML pages.


1.2 Navigating the FAQ

The following navigation buttons can be used when you view the FAQ in your browser, I hope you'll like it:

    Expand section

    Close section

    Go to the table of contents



2.1 Additional documentation

Is there any other documentation available? Is there some documentation I can print?

The major part of the PageSpinner documentation is only in form of an AppleGuide that is available as "PageSpinner Guide" in the Help Menu. It is not possible to print the contents of an AppleGuide, though.

There are additional information, including an HTML-version of the PageSpinner Guide's "Getting Started" section in the folder named "Documentation" located inside the PageSpinner folder. These can all be viewed and printed using your favourite browser.

You will also find useful information in the text files "What's new?" and "Read Me FIRST!".


2.2 How do I open the PageSpinner Guide?

How can access the PageSpinner Guide? I just get an error message when I click on it.

The PageSpinner Guide is an AppleGuide definition file and it needs to be located in the same file as PageSpinner. It is not accessible in the Finder.

The Guide is available in the Help menu (at the right side of the menu bar) when PageSpinner is running. This menu has a ? mark as an icon. The menu item's title is PageSpinner Guide.

You'll need to have System 7.5 or later to use AppleGuides.



3.1 How do I change background colors or add a background image?

Delete the old <BODY ....> start tag. Use the HTML Assistant's Body Topic to create a new body tag start tag.


3.2 Creating Multiple Pages

How do I make my web site have multiple page as opposed to one long scrolling page? For instance a home page and then other pages that are linked to it.

Create the new page, add the text you want and save it in the same folder as the home page. The home page should often be called index.html or welcome.html (you will have to check this with the Webmaster at your site). Then do the following:

  1. Open your home page in PageSpinner.
  2. Place the cursor where you want the link to be inserted.
  3. Select HTML Assistant from the Windows menu.
  4. Select the Link topic.
  5. Click the open button (in the upper right side of Assistant's window) and select the newly created page you want to link to.
  6. Type the text that should be used as the link's title in the Title field.
  7. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Assistant's window.

You will now have a link to the new page in your home page.


3.3 Creating clickable Image Maps

Can I create a clickable image map with PageSpinner?

PageSpinner has only limited support for inserting image map tags. There is an example of making image maps using the shareware application GraphicConverter in the Examples folder.

The following shareware applications are aimed at creating image maps visually:





3.4 Getting into a frame

I am using frames on my pages. I have a small frame with a table of contents and another large frame containing the actual contents. How can I make a link in the table of contents to open inside the second, larger, frame?

Add the name of the second larger frame in the field named

   "Open the link in a window or frame named:"

in HTML Assistant's Link topic when you create the link.

If you have an existing link you can add the attribute text


inside the <A HREF="link.html" ...> tag of the link that should be displayed in the frame named framename.

There are information on how to create frames in the PageSpinner AppleGuide and frame examples in the Examples folder.


3.5 Getting out of a frame

I am using frames on my pages. How can I make some links to be displayed in the full window and not in the current frame?

If you have an existing link you can add the attribute text


inside the <A HREF="link.html" ...> tag of the link that should use the full window.

When creating a new link, type the text _top in HTML Assistant's Link field named:

   "Open the link in a window or frame named:"


3.6 How can I go to a specific line in the editor?

When using an external HTML Validator or debugging JavaScrips, I need to find a given line number to edit the text.

Use the Goto Line... menu item that is available in the Edit : Find/Replace menu.

The keyboard shortcut is Command and ,


3.7 How can I use PageSpinner to View Source from Netscape?

How can I use PageSpinner to handle pages downloaded with Netscape's "View: Document Source". The downloaded files contains strange characters and line feeds, and are virtually impossible to read or edit.

Us the menu item Convert From Source... available in the menu Edit : Convert or in the Find button's pop up menu in the toolbar.

PageSpinner will then remove or translate unnecessary line feeds and high ASCII characters and restyle the text automatically.

In Netscape you can specify that PageSpinner should be used as the helper application for viewing downloaded HTML source files.



4.1 Nothing happens when I select "Beginner's Guide to HTML" or "JavaScript Authoring Guide"

I have Internet Config installed and a connection to Internet, but when I click OK to access the "Beginner's Guide to HTML" or the "JavaScript Authoring Guide" in PageSpinner's Help menu, nothing happens.

You will need to specify your browser as the helper application for the http protocol in the Helper section of Internet Config. You should restart after doing this.


4.2 I don't have Internet Config, so I can't access some Help menu items

When I tried to access the "Beginner's Guide to HTML" and the "JavaScript Authoring Guide" PageSpinner said that I needed Internet Config. However, Internet Config isn't highlighted in the Preferences. What should I do?

You should be able to download the latest version of Internet Config from

Once installed you will need to specify your browser as the helper application for the protocol http, in Internet Config's Helper section.

The Beginner's guide to HTML menu item is a bookmark to:

The JavaScript Authoring Guide can be found at:


4.3 Where is the Notebook stored?

I want to backup the contents of the built-in Notebook, where is this data stored?

The pages of the Notebok are stored in the file named PageSpinner Textscrap. This file is located inside the System folder's Preferences folder.


4.4 Is there a Windows version available?

PageSpinner is nice and easy to use, but I also have to work on a PC. Is there a Windows version available?

There is no Windows version planned for the near future. Why Macintosh?

Plain HTML-files are cross-platform though, and you can set PageSpinner to use MS-DOS (Windows) line feeds to make it easier to edit PageSpinner files on a PC.


4.5 Is there some "Spun with Page Spinner" graphics I could have on my page

There is a small collection of images that can be viewed in the file "spun_with_pagespinner.html". The file and the images can be found inside the folder named "Documentation" located inside the PageSpinner folder.

If you are a registered user of PageSpinner you can include these on your home or credits page if you want to. Thanks for supporting PageSpinner!


Last updated: May 24, 1997
Maintained by Jerry ≈man.

More information can be found at PageSpinner's Home Page: